Summer in the gardens... looking good in July
Oh July! The month we've all been working towards from the beginning of the season thinking unreasonably that we will be on top of all the early seasonal work by the time it arrives - not so!
Oh July! The month we've all been working towards from the beginning of the season thinking unreasonably that we will be on top of all the early seasonal work by the time it arrives - not so!
Flaming June...or it would be if only we stopped, stood and saw the magical scenery around us. Gardeners tend to keep their heads down at this time of year to plough through the work.
25 Years of Glorious Gardening
A new 25 Years of Glorious Gardening photographic exhibition opens today in the renovated 'Mushroom Shed' at award-winning West Dean Gardens.
25 Years of Glorious Gardening
Find out all sorts of interesting facts and stats from the age of the Gardens to the number of visitors.
The Gardener's Cottage will be open once again this weekend as part of the National Gardens Scheme.
H is for heritage at West Dean Gardens celebrating 25 Years of Glorious Gardening.
The arboretum still awaits your viewing. The cowslips, sheets of them, are looking magnificent.
25 Years of Glorious Gardening
This year marks 25 years since head gardeners, husband and wife, Jim Buckland and Sarah Wain, began the transformation of West Dean into award-winning gardens, in the wake of the Great Storms of 1987. In the years since 1991, they have revitalised the 19th century landscape and overseen tremendous changes which have brought the gardens international respect for both the quality and variety of horticultural practice.
All hail the daffodil which is currently on parade in vast battalions throughout the gardens. Generally smaller flowering varieties have been selected for their flowering time, character and colour and happily they are bulking up nicely.