Useful Information for Short Courses

Useful Information for Short Courses

How to book

Find your course and click 'book'. If the course is full you can choose to join the waiting list.
After booking you will be sent a confirmation email, asking you to download full course details and arrival and registration information. If you have booked accommodation a separate confirmation email will be sent within three working days.

Call 01243 818300 option 2
Our bookings office is open Monday - Saturday 9.00am - 5.00pm

Email [email protected]

Courses are open to anyone 18 or over. Booking online or by phone requires payment in full.

Arrivals and registration

Sussex short courses
Short courses in Sussex are held at our West Dean campus. Please check the timetable of your chosen course for details on arrival times. If you have booked accommodation, rooms are available from 4pm on the day of arrival, and checkout is by 10am on the last day of your course. 
Travel and Directions

London short courses
Short courses in London are held at our Bloomsbury campus. Please check the timetable of your chosen course for details on arrival times.
Travel and Directions

British Library courses
If you have booked a British Library course with us, please check the individual course details for timetables and course location.

Download arrival and registration information for West Dean Sussex courses


As part of our commitment to provide access to creative arts education we can offer a bursary if you cannot afford to study on a short course. Bursaries come from our own funds and the support of generous donations from a number of trusts and individuals.

There are four application deadlines each year so please allow time for your application to be considered before any course date. These are March 31, June 30, Sept 30 and Dec 31. The deadlines for Chilingirian String Ensemble Course and International Classical Guitar Festival are respectively at the end of February and May each year.

Bursaries available


Short Course  



Any subject 
(not applicable to conservation short courses)

The Edward James Foundation Bursary, including Creative bursaries for arts graduates

Based on individual need

Textile related courses

Joyce Mary Harding Textile Bursary Fund

£500 and maybe shared

One day Fan Making short courses

The Fan Making Bursary Fund

£150 per student

Chilingirian String Ensemble Course (find bursary information here)

The Chilingirian String Ensemble Bursary

Based on individual need

International Classical Guitar Festival (find bursary information here)

International Classical Guitar Festival Summer School Bursary

Based on individual need for players aged 18-24

Courses relating to construction, conservation and architectural heritage; including courses on the Professional Development Diploma in Historic Building Conservation and Repair and Building Conservation Masterclasses. Please note, students apply directly - find bursary information here -Sussex Heritage Trust Bursary Scheme - Sussex Heritage Trust

Sussex Heritage Trust Bursary Scheme

Course costs and accommodation costs

Grants are given for education and training in building conservation, including courses on the Professional Development Diploma in Historic Building Conservation and Repair and Building Conservation Masterclasses. To apply for a bursary please contact [email protected].

Drake Trust Bursary

Course costs

FDAD programme, although the BA (Hons) Art and Contemporary Craft: Materials, Making and Place; Graduate Diploma Fine Art; Master of Fine Art will also be considered.


For a bursary application form and further information on how to apply for the BA(Hons) Art and Contemporary Craft: Materials, GDFA and MFA visit Student Funding | West Dean College of Arts and Conservation

The Frances Lowe Bursary

£6,000 (to be distributed normally to two students)

To apply for a bursary please download and complete a bursary application form where applicable. Separate application forms are indicated above where needed. Please email your completed application form to [email protected]. Digital emailed applications are preferred, however if you are unable to send via email please post to Academic Registry, West Dean College of Arts and Conservation, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0QZ. For more information call 01243 818291 or email [email protected].

Read the full Short Course Bursary critera below and click here to read the full bursary award terms and conditions.

Short course bursary criteria information

Short Course Bursaries and criteria 

Before applying for a short course bursary to help you with the costs of your study, please read the below information. Please note, that we are unable to offer more than one short course bursary to a student within two years. Those in receipt of the Joyce Mary Harding Textile Bursary may only be awarded one bursary from this fund. 

All bursary funded students are expected to agree to the terms and conditions.

To apply for a bursary please download and complete a bursary application form where applicable. (Separate application forms are indicated.) 

Please email your completed application form to [email protected]. Digital emailed applications are preferred, however if you are unable to send via email please post to Academic Registry, West Dean College of Arts and Conservation, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0QZ. For more information call 01243 818291 or email [email protected].


The Edward James Foundation Bursary, including Creative bursaries for arts graduates 
If you need assistance to help fund your studies, you can apply for a bursary from The Edward James Foundation Bursary Fund. The Fund is financed by The Edward James Foundation itself as part of its charitable objectives. 

This bursary is for any subject except conservation short courses.

Applicants should demonstrate a clear financial need and a clear illustration of why they have selected the specific courses. You can do this by answering the questions on the Short Course Bursary Application Form. 

Grants are given based on individual need. In some cases, we may not be able to fund the full amount and the remaining fees will need to be covered by the applicant. 

Awards will be determined by the following criteria:

  1. Educational status for Creative Bursaries: the full-time course the applicant is or was enrolled on. What stage of the education/career are they at the time of the application.
  2. The relevance to their course of the Short Course they have applied for a bursary.
  3. Age – preference will be given to those at the early stage of their career.
  4. Amount of bursary requesting – the cost of the course and accommodation if requesting funds for this. Cost of travel for student.
  5. The importance of the course to the West Dean portfolio. The number of applicants for the course both generally and from the same educational establishment.
  6. Potential benefit to others if applicant has attended the course.
  7. Students may only be awarded one bursary from this fund every two years.


Joyce Mary Harding Textile Bursary Fund  
For people with an interest in developing their skills in working with textiles, who would benefit from assistance with funding. 

Grants are awarded for £500 and may be shared. 

Awards will be determined by the following criteria:

  1. The relevance to the development of their textile skills and practice.
  2. Amount of bursary requesting – the cost of the course and accommodation if requesting funds for this.
  3. The financial status of the applicant – student, un-employed, retired or on a low income.
  4. The number of applicants for the course.
  5. Students may only be awarded one bursary from this fund.


The Fan Making Bursary Fund 
For undergraduates and recent graduates who are interested in developing their skills and their portfolio to include fan making.  

Awards will be determined by the relevance of individuals existing practice to fan making processes, and an assessment of the student’s interest in the subject and the potential of continued engagement with fan-making. 

Preference will be given to those at the early stage of their career. Funding generously provided by The Poor Fund of The Worshipful Company of Fan Makers. Grants are awarded for £150 per student.


The Chilingirian String Ensemble Course Bursary 
To help music students, graduates or amateur quartets or ensembles attend the Chilingirian String Ensemble Course. 

Funding has generously been provided by donors and trusts, including support from The Finzi Trust. For detailed course information and application deadlines, please visit the course page.

Grants are awarded based on individual need. Please note: The Chilingirian String Ensemble Course Bursary has its own application form.

Awards will be determined by the following criteria:

  1. For young music students, graduates and amateur musicians, who have played together as a quartet/ensemble for a minimum of three months and cover a substantial part of both the course fees and accommodation.
  2. An assessment of each student ensemble’s potential based on previous study, work, references and/or being recommended by Levon Chilingirian or another member of the Chilingirian Quartet.
  3. An assessment of the student quartet’s potential to make a lasting contribution to the field and show a lasting commitment to play together as a quartet.
  4. No ensemble, or individual player may be awarded a Bursary for more than two years.


The International Classical Guitar Festival Summer School Bursary 
To help music students and young professionals (18-24) attend the International Classical Guitar Festival and Summer School. Funding has been provided by several donors. For detailed course information and the application deadlines, please visit the course page

Grants are awarded based on individual need. Please note: The International Classical Guitar Festival Summer School Bursary has its own application form.

Awards will be determined by the following criteria:

  1. For music students (first-study classical guitar) and young professional players aged 18-24 years old or in full-time study at a UK university or music college.
  2. An assessment of each student’s potential based on previous study, work, references. and current level of study (academic year).
  3. An assessment of the student’s video recorded performance, submitted via DVD, YouTube or Dropbox.
  4. Students may only be awarded a bursary for one summer school.


Sussex Heritage Trust Bursary Scheme  
Open to any candidates aged 18 or over, with no upper age limit. The Trust’s Bursary Committee will consider funding the costs of one course for an individual studying on the Professional Development Diploma in Historic Building Conservation and Repair or an individual studying on a short course relating to construction, conservation and architectural heritage. 

Grants are awarded for course costs and accommodation costs. Please note:  Students should apply directly to this funder Sussex Heritage Trust


Drake Trust Bursary 
The Drake Trust generously provides a number of bursaries for students attending a Building Conservation Masterclass or on the Professional Development Diploma in Historic Building Conservation and Repair. 

Students must be self-financing their Professional Development Diploma in Historic Building Conservation and Repair and Building Conservation Masterclass studies.

Grants are awarded for course costs. Please note: To apply contact [email protected]. Do not approach this funder directly.


The Frances Lowe Bursary 
Available to students studying the Foundation Diploma in Art and Design (FDAD); BA (Hons) Art and Contemporary Craft: Materials, Making and Place; Graduate Diploma Fine Art; Master of Fine Art will also be considered.

Applicants should hold UK Nationality, demonstrate talent and a commitment to their future career development and a clear financial need. Applications are particularly encouraged from younger students (18-30). Grants are awarded for £6,000 (to be distributed normally to two students)
The award is for one academic year; paid directly to West Dean College of Arts and Conservation. 

To apply for a bursary towards the FDAD please download and complete a bursary application form.

To apply for a bursary towards the BA(Hons) Art and Contemporary Craft: Materials, Materials, Making and Place; Graduate Diploma Fine Art; Master of Fine Art visit our Student Funding page Please note the deadline to apply for 2023 has been extended to 1 August’.

Awards to help study the FDAD will be determined by the following criteria:

  1. The level of commitment to studying on the  Foundation Diploma in Art and Design (FDAD)
  2. The quality of the applicant’s work. The work brought to the interview shows evidence of both creativity and ability.
  3. Amount of bursary requesting. The applicant shows a willingness to raise some of the funds themselves if possible.
  4. The financial status of the applicant. The applicant has no other means of funding this course.
  5. The nationality of the applicant.
  6. The age of the applicant – should be between 18 - 30, but applications are particularly encouraged from younger students.
  7. Demonstrates talent and a commitment to their future career development.

(Information last updated 11 May 2023)

Course levels

What course level am I?

Starting point. For those with little or no experience who want to go back to basics and would like a structured introduction to a subject.
Skills development. For those who have taken a related course or have some existing skills.  The focus is on further developing and building of skills working towards independent practice.
Creative development. For the more experienced who want to expand skills, develop their own practise and are open to working intensively to achieve their maximum potential.
Suitable for all  
A subject focused course that is delivered to suit any level of experience from beginner to advanced practitioner.  A structured start is followed by guided independent practice.


For students booking on to one of our short courses at our Sussex & London campuses, please read below for some useful information and FAQs.

Sussex Campus

What will arrival look like? 
Entry and exit is through the main College door, do read the latest signage at the entrance which will detail what to do next.

What do I do if I need to cancel my course at short notice?
Please contact the bookings office by email [email protected] and refer to our cancellation terms.

Will I be given a safety induction before my course? 
Yes. The tutor will give a course induction once you’ve reached the workshop. Each workshop has its own safe method of working, this is based on equipment, the nature of the course and the facilities in the workshop. Your tutor will explain these as part of the course induction along with other safety matters. 

If I’m staying at the college, will my room be serviced?
Yes. We will be servicing rooms daily. On the rare occasion we are unable to we will be able to provide you with fresh towels and coffee, tea etc. If you would prefer that we didn’t enter your room and supplies be delivered, please let [email protected] know in advance or let student welcome know upon arrival.

What can I expect lunch service to be?
Your tutor will advise you of your tea breaks and lunch upon the start of the course. We will endeavour to deliver as wide and varied a choice that is possible while still catering for dietary needs and allergies, please inform the bookings team of any dietary requirements at the time of booking.

If I need to book a mobility scooter will this option still be available? 
Yes. If you’d like to request to book one of our mobility scooters please request this at the time of booking or email [email protected].

Will the Craft Shop be open?
Yes, students are free to visit the shop whilst their course is running. Our Craft Shop is open Mon - Fri 8:30am-2pm.

Will the library be open?
Students wishing to use the library should ask at the Student Welcome desk for details.

Will the IT suite be open?
Yes, the IT suite is open and available to use for the duration of your course.

Will the Bar be open?
The Bar is open 7 days a week 5pm – 11pm Monday – Saturday and 5pm – 10:30pm on Sunday.

What should I do if I feel unwell throughout my course? 
Let our friendly Student Welcome Officers know at the front desk as soon as possible, and they will be able to assist you with the next steps. 

Can I still walk around the Gardens during my visit? 
Yes, we hope you get time to visit the Gardens during your course. 

Who can I speak to if was not entirely happy with my course?
If you weren't completely satisfied with your course and would like to raise an issue, please contact the bookings office at [email protected].

London Campus

Where do I go when I arrive for my short course?
When you arrive at the Bloomsbury campus, please come to reception at the front entrance.

What are the studios like?
Our wifi-enabled studios are light, spacious, and air-conditioned, with stunning views of London's cityscape. All courses use the same studio facilities as the degree-level students. 
Read more about our facilities

What is included in my course?
The course fee covers tuition and materials where stated. You will need to bring all other items listed under the ‘Materials to bring’ section on the course details.

What do I do if I need to cancel my course at short notice?
Please contact the Bookings Team with the details of the course you are booked on.
Read more about cancelling your short course here

Who can I speak to if was not entirely happy with my course?
If you weren't completely satisfied with your course and would like to raise an issue, please contact the bookings office at [email protected].

Overseas students

New UK immigration rules state that if you plan to engage in any kind of study while in the UK you should enter as a student and not as a tourist. If you are studying in this country for less than six months and are a non-visa national, you may apply for a Student Visitor Visa in advance or for entry clearance as a Student Visitor when you arrive at a UK airport. There are conditions for both these methods. We recommend that you consult the UK Border Agency - Studying in the UK for full details and a list of the documents and evidence you will need to confirm your student and financial status.

For further guidance see the UK Council for International Student Affairs.

Booking Terms & Conditions

Our short courses have varying terms and conditions depending on the course type and location. To ensure you understand the specific policies that apply to your chosen course, please review the individual terms and conditions detailed on the page linked below.

Short Course Terms & Conditions