Gardens Blog

  • Winter

    Snowy scenes

    Posted on 11th December 2015

    December is a quieter period in the gardens. In the run up to the festive season - and in this very mild weather - we thought our readers would enjoy looking back at snowier times.

  • A to Z

    G is for glasshouses

    Posted on 10th November 2015

    The 13 Victorian glasshouses by Foster & Pearson are a highlight of the Kitchen Garden at West Dean. Find out more about the history and importance of the glasshouses at West Dean Gardens.

  • Looking good

    Looking good in November

    Posted on 2nd November 2015

    Glorious sunshine and mild temperatures has meant that prep for the winter at West Dean has started well. Find out what's looking good in November.

  • A to Z

    F is for flower borders

    Posted on 8th October 2015

    The flower borders at West Dean Gardens are a glorious blaze of colour during the summer months and the cutting gardens provide an almost endless supply of flowers for the House.

  • A to Z

    E is for espaliers

    Posted on 8th September 2015

    The fruit collection at West Dean Gardens feature over 100 varieties of apple and 45 varieties of pears, including heritage varieties with links to West Sussex. Read more in our West Dean Gardens blog.

  • Autumn

    Will an apple a day keep the doctor away?

    Posted on 2nd September 2015

    Apples specifically help improve the functioning of the bacteria living inside of our large intestine, and early studies show that apples change the metabolism within the digestive tract and change the balance of bacteria. Read more about the health benefits of apples in our blog.

  • Summer

    Dahlias – the Barbara Windsor’s of the Flower World!

    Posted on 27th August 2015

    When I started my horticultural career as a jobbing gardener at Haringey Council in North London, much of the work was mundane and pretty unrewarding. However every day during the late summer and until the first frosts, my heart was lifted by the technicolor blooms of an astonishing collection of dahlia plants.

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