Creating tapestry – further weaving techniques with Caron Penney

Ref: SLW35807

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About this course

Take your weaving a step further and learn to interpret an image in an individual way. Explore making shapes, blending and hatching, dovetailing an edge, creating lines and cartoon making.

Course Description

This is a follow-on course from the beginners’ workshop or for those who have a basic knowledge of tapestry weaving. The clear structure of the course will enable you to gain confidence with the medium.

The course will start with a demonstration of the warping-up process, and you will be able to explore different warp types and settings. You will learn and develop some existing and new techniques, taking your knowledge of tapestry to a new level. Working from a design and a cartoon provided by the tutor, or a design developed by you in the class, you will interpret this image in your individual way with help and assistance from the tutor. Some of the techniques to be covered are making shapes, blending and hatching as one technique, dovetailing an edge, creating lines, cartoon-making and interpretation.

You should expect to complete a sample by the end of this three-day workshop. The objective is to create a platform for you to move confidently into designing and making your own tapestries. Additional discussions regarding weft structure, yarn types and finishing processes will be explored. Throughout the workshop, reference materials will be available, furthering your understanding of the medium and increasing the depth of your knowledge.

Course Materials


A selection of warp and weft yarns provided by the tutor to supplement your own yarns during the course.

What students need to bring

  • None essential, however if you would like to develop a design of your own during the course, this should be no larger than 14cm x 14cm.
  • Measuring tape
  • Pen/document folder for hand-outs
  • Kitchen fork for weaving

Available to buy

Available from shop:

  • Wooden tapestry frame (these can be borrowed during the course. If you wish to take the frame home at the end of the course they cost around £15)
  • One or two bobbins
  • Scissors
  • You can also purchase additional warp and weft yarn from Weaversbazaar who visit with their pop-up shop, usually on the first morning of the workshop.

Additional information

Please wear appropriate clothing/aprons for the workshop or studio, this includes stout covered footwear (no sandals or open toes).


Arrival Day - this is the first date listed above

Courses start early evening. Residential students to arrive from 4pm, non-residential students to arrive by 6.45pm.

6.45pm: Welcome, followed by dinner (included).

8 - 9pm: First teaching session, attendance is essential.

Daily timetable

Classes 9.15 - 5pm, lunch is included.

From 6.30pm: Dinner (included for residential students).

Evening working - students may have access to workshops until 9pm, but only with their tutor's permission and provided any health and safety guidelines are observed.

Last day

Classes 9.15am - 3pm, lunch is included.

Residential students are to vacate their rooms by 10am please.

(This timetable is for courses of more than one day in length. The tutor may make slight variations)

General Information


Caron Penney

Caron Penney is a master tapestry weaver and director of Atelier Weftfaced. She studied Constructed Textiles at Middlesex University and has a Postgraduate Certificate in Education. She has taught tapestry for many years, and worked at the renowned West Dean Tapestry Studio from 1993-2013, and was studio director from 2009-2013. She worked on many commissions while at the Studio, including the 'Hunt of the Unicorn' series and the Tracey Emin tapestries. An experienced teacher, she is also co-author of 'Tapestry - a woven narrative' (2012).


Residential option available. Find out accommodation costs and how to book here.

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