Creative mosaics with found ceramic materials with Joanna Veevers

Ref: SWE35815

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About this course

Make a mosaic wall piece, as you learn how to cut and assemble ceramic tiles with elements from old decorative plates and cups.

Course Description

Learn how to prepare bases, plan and design, and how to cut ceramic tiles and selected elements from old or broken decorative plates and cups for assembling and making into mosaic wall pieces. You will consider line, pattern, colour and texture, and you will also learn how to grout and finish your work.

The course will focus on using mixed and found ceramic material (and some glass) to explore line, pattern, colour and texture within mosaic. Subject matter and sources of inspiration relating to faces will be suggested for your designs.

Course Materials


MDF boards, grout, adhesive cement and exterior PVA are provided.

What students need to bring

  • Please bring a collection of old or broken, decorated bone china/porcelain/ceramic plates, cups, saucers, lids, handles, spouts, found fragments, etc. fine china is better than thick ceramics, and plates with border patterns and stripes are particularly useful
  • You can also bring a pencil, sketchbooks, notebooks and any other ceramic material or mosaic tiles that you might like to include in your work
  • A collection of small plastic boxes for bits is useful, plus aprons
  • Bubble wrap and a box might be useful for taking work home

Available to buy

Available from shop: A good selection of art materials, including pencils and paper

Available from tutor: Extra quantities and special pieces for inclusion can be bought from the tutor.

Additional information

Please wear appropriate clothing/aprons for the workshop or studio. This includes stout covered footwear, i.e. no open-toes or sandals.


Arrival Day - this is the first date listed above

Courses start early evening. Residential students to arrive from 4pm, non-residential students to arrive by 6.45pm.

6.45pm: Welcome, followed by dinner (included).

8 - 9pm: First teaching session, attendance is essential.

Daily timetable

Classes 9.15 - 5pm, lunch is included.

From 6.30pm: Dinner (included for residential students).

Evening working - students may have access to workshops until 9pm, but only with their tutor's permission and provided any health and safety guidelines are observed.

Last day

Classes 9.15am - 3pm, lunch is included.

Residential students are to vacate their rooms by 10am please.

(This timetable is for courses of more than one day in length. The tutor may make slight variations)

General Information


Joanna Veevers

Joanna tutors with a focus on surface qualities and 2 dimensional design. She trained initially in Printed Textile Design at Manchester and then in Ceramics at The Royal College of Art. She has 30 years of teaching experience in colleges, universities, schools, museums and galleries. Joanna is a long standing member of Contemporary Applied Arts.


Residential option available. Find out accommodation costs and how to book here.

Courses of interest

Mosaics – the principles of making

20 to 25 Jul 2025 | West Dean
Places available
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Further study options

Take the next step in your creative practice, with foundation level to Masters in Fine Art study. 

Depending on your experience, start with an Online Foundation Certificate in Art and Design (one year, part-time), a Foundation Diploma in Art and Design made up of 10 short courses taken over two years (part-time) or advance your learning with our BA (Hons) Art and Contemporary Craft: Materials, Making, and Place (six years part-time). All will help you develop core skills, find direction in your practice and build an impressive portfolio in preparation for artist opportunities or higher-level study. See all degree and diploma courses.