Sculptural textile basketry will focus on the techniques of weaving, twining and wrapping, with a theme of making structures. The plants in the West Dean Gardens will provide inspiration, the glasshouses are a wonderful source for ideas. In particular we will be noticing the structures flowers, leaves and stems and consider how these can be reinterpreted in a woven form.
The course will begin with the learning of the basics of weaving, twining and wrapping, with initial tutor led sampling of the techniques. Basics of joining in new threads, changing direction of working, tensioning and finishing will all be covered. The techniques will be introduced and developed during the course, with the intention of different structures being trialled. You will be encouraged to work with materials across a broad range; from cotton rope, fabric, threads, wool, paper yarn and string.
Students will be encouraged to sample and develop ideas working towards the making of their own structured sculptural piece on the final day.
The tutor will demonstrate techniques, provide visual notes and offer individual support to enable students to create their own unique piece of sculptural basketry. A course suitable for all with no experience of the techniques, with opportunities to explore and experiment.
Please note, work is small scale, all made in the hands and can be tiring on the hands, neck and shoulders so please consider this before booking. Time and weather permitting we may make a visit to the Gardens.
On this course the tutor will supply all of the materials including
Paper, fabric, threads, strings, wool, paper yarn.
Tools will be available to loan.
Tapestry and plastic needles will be supplied.
What students need to bring
- Notebook or sketchbook for recording any additional information
- Camera (ideally on a phone for easy access) may be useful for recording the stages of working and images in the Garden
- Please bring reading glasses if required for close work
- A few simple drawing materials and sketchbook, if students have their own they would prefer to use, for collecting visual information from the Gardens. (Weather and time permitting)
- Scissors, a pair suitable for cutting string and a finer pair for threads, available for loan if required
- Any images of flowers, leaves and stems would be useful for ideas and inspiration
- Students are welcome to bring small quantities of their own threads/wools/fabrics etc to incorporate into their work. No finer than double knitting wool, unless intending to work very small
Additional information
Asthma and hayfever sufferers are advised to bring their medication as occasionally the fibres from wool and some strings may bring on symptoms.
Please wear appropriate clothing/aprons for the workshop or studio, this includes stout covered footwear i.e. no open-toes or sandals.
Arrival Day - this is the first date listed above
Courses start early evening. Residential students to arrive from 4pm, non-residential students to arrive by 6.45pm.
6.45pm: Welcome, followed by dinner (included).
8 - 9pm: First teaching session, attendance is essential.
Daily timetable
Classes 9.15 - 5pm, lunch is included.
From 6.30pm: Dinner (included for residential students).
Evening working - students may have access to workshops until 9pm, but only with their tutor's permission and provided any health and safety guidelines are observed.
Last day
Classes 9.15am - 3pm, lunch is included.
Residential students are to vacate their rooms by 10am please.
(This timetable is for courses of more than one day in length. The tutor may make slight variations)