Ali Asadi

Ali is a prize winning greenwood worker with many years of experience in designing, turning and creating spoons, bowls, cups and plates, as well as more specialist items including locking lidded boxes, nested bowls and flasks.

Experienced in making turning tools and teaching courses, as well as undertaking demonstrations at public events and festivals nationwide.                    

Creative experience:

  • 2015- present: craftsman and greenwood trainer, designing, turning and creating beautiful, practical and durable woodware.  Hundreds of turned items are sold both in the UK and internationally. Customers include a museum in Germany
  • Running workshops and teaching woodwork courses to both adults and children
  • Bespoke Tailor 1998 – 2024 : Worked with various Savile Row companies such as huntsman, Maurice Sedwell and Richard Anderson. creating bespoke jackets and suits for well-known customers.

Education and Training:

  • 1996 London Collage of fashion
  • London Spoon club 2017
  • Trained with well-known names such as Sharif Adams and Adrian Loyed
  • Competitions and prizes:
  • 1997, Nominated for Golden scissors prize, run by London College of Fashion

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