Writer-in-Residence, Rutendo Chabikwa
Rutendo Chabikwa was Writer-in-Residence at West Dean College in December 2018. This partnership residency, organised in collaboration with Myriad publishing, is awarded to the winner of the annaul First Drafts Competition. Rutendo Chabikwa was chosen for her short story about mental anguish and depression 'Todzungaira' which will be published in Myriad's New Daughters of Africa edited by Margaret Busby.
Twenty-five years ago, Busby's anthology Daughters of Africa was published to international acclaim and hailed as 'an extraordinary body of achievement… a vital document of lost history' (Sunday Times), and 'the ultimate reference guide' (Washington Post).
New Daughters of Africa builds on this rich tradition for a new generation of women writers in the landscape of African women's writing today. The book will be launched at the Southbank Centre on 9 March as part of the WOW - Women of the World festival.
The Writer-in-Residence programme is part of the MA in Creative Writing and Publishing.