Interior Designer
What was your professional background prior to KLC?
I read history at Durham University, and have spent the last 25 years working for RBS, most recently as a senior project manager in the legal department. So KLC was quite a change!
When you were looking for courses, what was it about this course that appealed to you the most?
I am on a 6 month career break. I wanted to spend some of the time immersing myself in something completely different and creative. The Full Time Certificate is the only course which offers a short, intense period of full time study. All my contacts in the industry rated KLC highly.
What did you enjoy most about the course?
I really enjoyed getting serious about something creative and a world away from what I have been doing for the last 25 years. It was also great to spend time with a group of people from such diverse backgrounds.
Did you find the course challenging to fit around your current schedule?
Not particularly. I am used to managing large scale projects with tight deadlines. Whilst I spent far more time working at home than I ever do when I am being paid to work, I enjoyed it and still managed to enjoy a social life.
Where do you look for inspiration?
The course made me realise that we can find inspiration everywhere, except perhaps in banking! However, it is my other interests that are the biggest source. I like travelling (recent trips to Chile and Sicily provided lots of ideas), gardening and above all opera. I have been to opera houses all over the world and the venues, the audiences and the productions all provide lots of inspiration and play to my occasionally theatrical style.