Lucie Gledhill


I trained as a jeweller at Middlesex University with a BAHons degree. I completed a years residency at Bishopsland Educational Trust. I also did a Masters in Metalwork and Jewellery at The Royal College Of Art in 2009

I have experience setting up and teaching at Made By Ore Jewellery Workshop in London. I have taught chainmaking at Central St Martins for 4 years and I am now a visiting lecturer to second years at degree level. I also teach a module called Xsmall to the first years at The Royal College of Art at Masters level. I teach chainmaking at Goldsmiths Centre.

I have exhibited at Goldsmiths Fair for over ten years. I have recently exhibited at Collect Open in Somerset House. I won the Jerwood Open Makers in 2019.

I am a freeman of the Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers Company

Approach to teaching

I teach with a student led approach. I believe that there are always a number of ways to do one thing and I can only teach my approach. For this reason I think it is important to have many different teachers. I am a materials led maker and I believe in material integrity so will teach with this in mind. I have an interest in metallurgy and will always try to make the most of the metal properties within my chainmaking. I think that we never stop learning so I hope that within my class we can find a learning environment where we can all share our knowledge.

What inspires my work?

I am always inspired by the material and it’s behaviours. I love the different properties of precious metals and their alloys. Chainmaking is adding strength and flexibility to a material and I love to play with this concept. I love my chains to have different qualities of movement or ‘grace’.


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