Mariluz Beltran de Guevara
Mariluz Beltran de Guevara PGD ACR AFHA
Mariluz Beltran de Guevara has been an accredited book and paper conservator since 2008 and is a specialist in the conservation of parchment manuscripts. She graduated from Camberwell College of Arts in 1996 and gained a Postgraduate Diploma in the Conservation of Rare Books and Manuscripts from West Dean College, Sussex University in 1997. Following an internship at the Victoria & Albert Museum she worked at the Dundee University Conservation Unit before joining the British Library in 2001. During her many years at the British Library, Mariluz held the post of Parchment and Vellum Specialist (2007-2010), Conservation Team Leader (2003-2007; 2010-2015) and Collection Care Monitoring Conservator (2015-2017). In February 2017 she took up the position as Subject Leader for the Books and Library Materials Conservation Programme at West Dean College while continuing her work on books and manuscripts in her private conservation practice. She then moved on to SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies), University of London setting up a Collection Care programme and a new conservation studio. She is currently the Senior Conservator for SAS (School of Advanced Study), University of London, responsible for Collection Care and Conservation for four different university libraries. She has run courses in the UK, Patmos, Greece and on the Preservation Studies programme in St. Gemini, Italy.