Shuyan Chen
Bookbinders' statement:
This book is bound in semi-transparent paper to emulate vellucent bindings. The hand-painted cover pays homage to women artists of the Chivers bindery in an original design featuring decorative elements derived from those found within West Dean House. The front cover depicts the symbolic figures of Muse and Angel, which have been frequently called upon in the poems: they are the pillars of the poet's creative power, providing guidance and protection respectively. The intertwining shafts rising from the base represent the sacred fire of Vesta, which is alluded to as well. It echoes the illustration on the title page and is a sign of the poet's persistence in the pursuit of his art. The cover is selectively tooled in gold foil. The artist/binder's initials are found on the back cover.
The textblock is sewn on linen tapes. The head edge is trimmed and gilded with gold leaf. The endbands are made with a ribbon, as well as the bookmark. The endpapers are printed Italian papers in a historical reproduction pattern, to reflect the main portion of this volume, written in Italy with a backward gaze.
The slipcase is covered in cloth, with a hand-tooled leather label identifying the printer/publisher. The palette of this binding is blue and gold. Blue stands for the depth of a melancholic, poetic soul, and the many oceans the poet has crossed while he composed his works; gold stands for a taste for the classical, and ideal all creatives aspire to.