Only a week to go to the award-winning Chilli Fiesta (5, 6 & 7 August). Check out the weekend programme of live music on stage and make sure you don't miss your favourite Latin or salsa band! Pack up the tent and grab the sun tan lotion (and maybe the wellies, just in case).
No need to pack a picnic... there will be plenty of stands offering a wide range of yummy foods and drinks to fuel your fun-packed weekend. New for this year is the Champagne Bar and a Cider Bar where you can meet up with friends and while away an hour or three.
Throughout the weekend celebrity chefs will be cooking up some tasty dishes for you to sample. After the demos you can shop for produce at around 140 stalls (with lots of new ones this year) ready to try out new recipes with a chilli twist at home.
Take the opportunity to visit the Victorian walled kitchen garden and spend some time with Sarah Wain, chilli growing expert who will be sharing some of her top tips for successful growing.
NEW this year is the Grow Your Own Demon Red Chilli Plant competition. Sarah and Kris Collins, Thompson and Morgan's gardening expert, will be judging entrants' Red Demon and other varieties on Sunday 7 August do don't forget to bring along your homegrown chilli plants to the Chilli Hub. There will be a creche where you can leave your plant so you don't have to carry it around all day!
Make your way to the Cookery Theatre 12.15pm and 3.15pm on Sunday 7 August Check out the full Cookery programme at Chilli Fiesta.