FDAD drawing day with George Popesco and Joanna Veevers

Ref: SDD32601

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About this course

Please note that this drawing day is only bookable by West Dean Foundation Diploma in Art and Design students (FDAD). The focus of Drawing Day is to explore drawing in its broadest sense and to develop confidence in self-directed study. George Popesco will introduce the subject and provide support and guidance throughout the day. To book your place click the BOOK NOW button.

If you wish to book a tutorial, this will be on the same day with Joanna Veevers and must be booked together with your drawing day by telephone.

General Information


George Popesco: Self Portrait

George Popesco

Since completing his academic training at the Royal Academy Schools London, George has taught extensively in varied Art & Design education structures alongside developing his own work and exhibiting both in group and solo exhibitions. George lives and works in Dorset, specialising in Oil Colour medium exploiting its tactile wet in wet qualities to form the mediums expressive and sculptural qualities.

Joanna Veevers

Joanna tutors with a focus on surface qualities and 2 dimensional design. She trained initially in Printed Textile Design at Manchester and then in Ceramics at The Royal College of Art. She has 30 years of teaching experience in colleges, universities, schools, museums and galleries. Joanna is a long standing member of Contemporary Applied Arts.


Residential option available. Find out accommodation costs and how to book here.

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