Fiction Writing Certificate. Unit 3. Writing your Book with Bethan Roberts and Laura Wilkinson

Ref: SWE33237

About this course

Please note that the course fee of £1044 (which covers all three units) is payable in advance of study.

During this three-unit course, the key elements which underpin fiction writing are brought together into one continuing programme to support the development of writing a novel. Led by two published novelists, with plenty of mentoring and coaching experience.

This third unit is taught by Bethan Roberts and Laura Wilkinson and will include:
Show, don't tell
Dialogue and pacing
A writing workshop in which you will get feedback on your work from your colleagues and tutor

Course Description

The details here are for unit three of our Fiction Writing Certificate course. For details on all units, please visit the course page.

Following the completion of this third unit you will be asked to submit the first 5000 words of a Work-in-Progress for feedback from the programme tutors, Bethan Roberts and Laura Wilkinson.

Course Materials

What students need to bring

Your usual writing equipment, notebook and pen, and/or laptop.


Arrival day: Friday 5 September
From 4.00-6.30pm - Arrival for residential students
6.45pm - Non-residential students please arrive by 6.45pm for welcome chat and dinner
7.00pm - Dinner
8.00pm–9.00pm - First teaching session – attendance is an essential part of the course

Saturday 6 September
9.15am - Morning classes start
10.30am - Coffee
11.00am - Morning classes continue
12.45pm - Lunch
2.00pm - Time for writing and tutorials
4.45pm - Class wrap-up
5.00pm - Classes finish
From 7pm - Dinner
8.00pm - Evenings are untutored, for individual work

Departure day: Sunday 7 September(Residential students to vacate rooms by 10am)
9.15am - Morning classes start
10.30am - Coffee
11.00am - Morning classes continue
12.45pm - Lunch
2.00pm - Time for writing and tutorials
3.00pm - Classes finish
3.30pm - Tea then departure

General Information



Bethan Roberts

Tutor - Certificate in Fiction Writing

Bethan has published five novels and writes stories and drama for BBC Radio 4. Her books include: The Good Plain Cook (Serpent’s Tail, 2008), which was a Radio 4 Book at Bedtime; My Policeman (Chatto & Windus, 2012), the story of a 1950s policeman, his wife and his male lover (a major Amazon Original movie starring Harry Styles and Emma Corrin) and Mother Island (Chatto, 2014), which received a Jerwood Fiction Uncovered prize.

Laura Wilkinson Tutor on the MA Creative Writing course at West Dean College of Arts and Conservation


Residential option available. Find out accommodation costs and how to book here.

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