Dive into the art of crafting thrilling crime novels with our Certificate in Crime Writing course. Over three immersive weekends, learn from acclaimed detective novelists Domenica De Rosa (Elly Griffiths) and Lesley Thomson how to combine essential elements of crime writing into a finished literary work.
Discover how to master characterisation, voice, plot and structure with our comprehensive fiction writing course and learn how to sharpen your creative writing skills and bring your stories to life. Taught by published authors over a series of three weekend courses.
Explore the fascinating world of Life Writing on our one year, part-time Certificate course. Taught through a combination of live weekend courses from published authors and self-directed study, this course introduces you the key areas of Life Writing including: memoir, biography, autobiography, and explores the similarities and differences.
This extended course is designed to prepare students with an existing A-level or National Diploma to apply for entry into an Art and Design related degree programme.
This Foundation Diploma in Ceramics is awarded in recognition of the successful completion of the two-year, part-time programme. It aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of the material and will enable you to gain a wide variety of clay techniques from hand-building to throwing, decorating and glazing work, that will develop your skills and build up your own creative language.
The Foundation Diploma in Tapestry Weaving is a two year part time course that aims to offer tapestry weavers a broad insight into the technical and creative techniques of tapestry weaving, necessary for developing skills and building your own creative language.
This flexible foundation programme in art and design is taught online through a mix of self-directed study, live study days and a student community hub.
This flexible foundation diploma programme in art and design is taught online through a mix of self-directed study, live study days and a student community hub. Designed to fit around your day-to-day commitments, the programme will help you to build momentum and resilience in your creativity. Supported by an online community of students and tutors, you will improve your ability and confidence in the core skills in art and design and begin to specialise.
Learn how to write compelling Historical Fiction Writing on our one-year, part-time course! Learn the essential skills for historical research, plot development, world-building, character development, and narrative techniques.
The Foundation Degree Arts, specialising in Ceramics, is designed to give you a well-rounded, broad experience of ceramic making processes and techniques, from individual hand built objects to small-scale batch production.
Equip yourself for a career in clock making and working with dynamic objects by acquiring the practical and technical skills, the theory, principles and techniques used in historic horological manufacture. The programme begins with practical exercises to help you establish hand and machine tool skills relating to historic craft practices in clock-making.
The Foundation Degree Arts - Furniture is designed to give you well-rounded woodworking theory and skills that will enhance your employment prospects or allow you to continue your studies in higher education. Collaboration with other disciplines (e.g. metals and clocks) makes for a uniquely enriched learning environment.
Develop well-rounded metalworking theory and skills that will enhance your employment prospects or allow you to continue your studies in higher education. On this FdA specialising in Metalwork you are taught through a combination of lectures, seminars, external trips and visits and workshop practicals.
If your goal is to set up an instrument-making workshop or to work in the trade, this FdA programme is internationally respected for the high level craftsmanship students attain.
The Foundation Degree in Arts, specialising in books and binding, is designed to give you well-rounded theory and craft skills in using papers, cloths and leathers to bind books so you can set up as a maker and craftsperson, continue your studies in higher education in crafts or conservation, or find employment in the creative industry sector.
Pioneering and engaging low-residency degree programme integrating Fine Art practice and contemporary craft, enabling you to explore your creativity within a critical framework whilst generating a rigorous professional profile.
The BA (Hons) Craft Practices: Clocks, Furniture, Metals, Musical Instruments and Books and Bindings course is a one-year programme designed to provide a route into professional practice in your chosen field or for progression onto postgraduate study.
The Graduate Diploma in Fine Art is a one-year interdisciplinary programme designed to provide a route into postgraduate study. The course is focused on the integration of three domains of study essential to the successful development of a sustainable studio practice: Practical, Theoretical and Professional.
The Graduate Diploma is equivalent to the level of the third year of a BA (Hons). It is designed for aspiring writers who want to develop their skills and explore different creative forms. You will study fiction, creative non-fiction (with particular emphasis on essay, memoir, journaling) and poetics.
A 2 year part-time course, for those who are already a committed writer and keen to further develop your writing and research skills and learn about the publishing process.
The MFA (Master of Fine Art) is a two-year full time masters in fine art designed to further advance students' capacities in practical, theoretical and professional domains, with an emphasis on specialist studio practice. Funding available.
The MFA (Master of Fine Art) is an advanced two-year full-time masters of fine art designed to further advance students' capacities in practical, theoretical and professional domains, with an emphasis on specialist studio practice.
MFA in Creative Writing and Publishing follows on from our MA in Creative Writing and Publishing. It provides a high-level pathway aimed at emerging writers who wish to complete work-in-progress to a publishable standard. This MFA is unique in providing a supportive context specifically designed to support you to finish your unfinished novel.
The Master of Fine Art (MFA) Craft Practices at West Dean is a two-year full-time masters course designed to support you to further advance your practical, theoretical and professional skills, through an emphasis on specialist studio practice.